الاثنين، 7 فبراير 2011



If you asked me a month ago to give you ten things that make me proud of being Arab, I would have listed ideas among the lines of we have very strong family bonds, we have awesome food, and our history is kick ass.
Today, in the wake of the Tunisian revolution and the Egyptian uprising, I have a very different list. I am neither Egyptian nor Tunisian, but what I do have in common with both countries is our shared Arab heritage.
Here are ten things that happened in the Arab world in 2011 that really made me smile:
1. Doctors, nurses, and regular people pooled knowledge and resources together to create a makeshift hospital in Tahrir to help the injured.
2. With a tattered image, thanks to a few radicals, we prove yet again that our civilization is based on mutual respect. A human shield created of people who are either Christian or not praying protecting those in prayer. You can see the cross on this man’s wrist.
3. People from all walks of life cleaning the streets of Cairo.
4. Non-Egyptians like BloggerSeif and Sarah Karam stood and are still standing with Egyptians to support their right for dignity.
5. Civilian neighborhood protection units protected Egyptian neighborhoods from thugs. These men stood guard overnight to ensure that it is a safe environment for their communities. How awesome is that?
Mideast Egypt Protest
6. People in suits, in jeans, and in leather forming a human shield around Egypt’s priceless museums.
7. Giving out water and food in Tahrir to help others.

8. Arabs go out to support Egypt by protesting in their own countries.

9. My Facebook stream becoming a mosaic of Egyptian and Tunisian flags, although most of my friend list does not consist of people from either county.
10. Different channels from all around the Arab world broadcasting AlJazeera in solidatity, after they were blocked by Nilesat.
It’s been an awesome 2011 so far.

Dear Tunisians, dear Egyptians, thank you for reminding us that there is hope. Thank you for making it clear that the acts of immorality taking place in our region such as lack of acceptance, petty crime, and nonchalance are out of desperation, as opposed to lack of culture.
Thank you for proving that our integrity as human beings comes first and foremost, before our genders, our idealogical beliefs, and our differences

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